News & Updates

Formaldehyde Rule court date postponed
From the Woodworking Network:

Benchmark International, Ready to Serve You.
Benchmark International is uniquely posed to take on auditing,…

Merry Christmas!
The Benchmark International family would like to wish everyone…

West Virginia Public Broadcasting Timber Series
Sometimes, we find news articles that aren't always about regulations,…

Happy Thanksgiving from the Benchmark International Family to Yours!
Benchmark International would like to wish each and everyone…

Alphabet Soup
In the forest products industry and beyond, there are a lot of…

Formaldehyde Rule Lawsuit Filed
A lawsuit was filed on Halloween (31 October 2017) by the Sierra…

EPA Updates Voluntary Consensus Standards in the Formaldehyde Emission Standards for Composite Wood Products Rule
From the EPA:
EPA is publishing a direct final rule to update…

Lacey Act Implementation Plan: De Minimis Exception and Composite Articles
RIN: 0579-AD44
Publication ID: Update 2017

Benchmark International to Attend and Participate in Forest Legality Week
David Jones from Benchmark International will be at Forest Legality…

Trees, More Than the Forest They Make (Part 2)
The structure of the wood cells found inside of a tree…

Third-party certification has its problems for offshore companies
Originally published by FurnitureToday
Written By: Powell…