Alphabet Soup
In the forest products industry and beyond, there are a lot of acronyms that we see used over and over again. We use them to save space, talk quickly about a subject, or simply because we know what they mean, but not what they stand for. Below is a small list of acronyms that are seen most often and what they stand for:
CAR– Corrective Action Report
CARB– California Air Resources Board
COB– Close of Business
COC or CoC– Chain of Custody
CWP– Composite Wood Product
ASTM– American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials
EPA– U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
FSC– Forest Stewardship Council
HWPW-CC– Hardwood Plywood Composite Core
HWPW-VC– Hardwood Plywood Veneer Core
ISO– International Organization of Standardization
JAS– Japanese Agricultural Standard
SFI– Sustainable Forestry Initiative
TPC– Third Party Certifier
TSCA– Toxic Substance Control Act
What acronyms do you use? Email us your acronyms to add to the list.